     author = "Beyer, Terry and Hedetniemi, Sandra Mitchell", 
     doi = "10.1137/0209055", 
     issn = "0097-5397", 
     journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", 
     keyword = "1,3,algorithm,all binary,and all k-ary trees,and wilf,centered on rooted trees,in generating random trees,interest has arisen recently,introduction,lexicographic order,rooted tree generation,that is,the algorithm of nijenhuis,the present work has,those,trees,trees with a designated,vertex as the root", 
     link = "http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/0209055", 
     month = "nov", 
     number = "4", 
     pages = "706--712", 
     title = "Constant Time Generation of Rooted Trees", 
     uri = "http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/0209055", 
     volume = "9", 
     year = "1980", 

Problems: 378